C u r rently Running:
S h ows whether the Turbo 601 or the motherboard 68030
is curre n t ly being used and the speed at which it is operating.
Turbo 601 Startup.
A l l ows you to turn on Turbo 601 the next time yo u
re s t a rt the mach i n e .
68030 Startup.
A l l ows you to run from the motherboard 68030 the nex t
time you re s t a rt the machine.
N OTE: When the computer re s t a rts, you may notice that your computer’s start u p
sound is diffe rent. The startup sound depends on the processor the computer uses.
ALSO NOTE: RAM disk info rmation will be lost when switching modes. If yo u
h ave created a RAM disk in the PowerPC mode, be sure to back up the info r -
mation you have stored there befo re switching to the 68030 mode.
M o d e rn Memory Manager
a l l ows you to turn Ap p l e ’s Memory Manage r
on and off. The default is on. For best perfo rmance when using pro gra m s
designed for the PowerPC, you should turn on the Modern Memory Manage r.
Some older applications may not wo rk pro p e r ly with the new memory manage r
t u rned on. NOT E : This fe a t u re is also accessible from the Memory control panel.
Disable Memory Test
provides the option for disabling Apple’s
extensive, but time consuming, memory test. A quick and simple test is
performed in its place, which, depending on the amount of memory
installed, can significantly decrease the time required to boot your Mac.
Menu Bar Mode Indicator
a l l ows you to add an icon to the menu bar to show
w h i ch processor the Macintosh is curre n t ly using.
Turbo 601.
S h ows that the Turbo 601 is curre n t ly being used.
S h ows that the motherboard 68030 is curre n t ly being used.
With the Menu Bar Mode Indicator you have the option of having the icon appear
on the left or right side of the menu bar, or you can disable it completely.