3 .
Set the virtual memory size (in the “After re s t a rt” box) to the size of the
ava i l able built-in memory plus 1.
4 .
Close the control panel by cl i cking the close box in the upper-left corn e r.
5 .
Choose Restart from the Special menu .
S h a red libraries
P ro grams designed for the new PowerPC chip use special files called
s h a re d
l i b ra ri e s
. Any necessary shared libra ries are installed automatically in the System
Folder when you install these pro gra m s .
If a pro gram re q u i res a shared libra ry and there is not enough memory ava i l abl e
for the shared libra ry, you see a message that the pro gram could not be opened
because there is not enough system memory ava i l able for the shared libra ry.
You can solve this pro blem by turning on virtual memory as described in the
p revious section, “Using application pro grams designed for use with the Powe r P C .”
If a re q u i red shared libra ry is missing, you see a message that the pro gram could
not be opened because the shared libra ry could not be found. If this happens,
reinstall the pro gram, fo l l owing the directions that came with it. If the share d
l i b ra ry is still missing, contact the pro gra m ’s publisher for assistance.