Testing the installation
You have installed the Turbo 601. Make sure all connections are tight. You mu s t
n ow test the installation and install the softwa re.
Please read all of this section before you test the installation.
Plug the power cord into the back of the Macintosh. Tu rn the Macintosh on. Yo u
should hear the customary “BONG”. If you do not hear the “BONG”, go to the
n ext page .
YES! I hear the “BONG”.
1 . Tu rn the power off and re m ove the power cord from the Mac.
2 . Replace the case cover and screw. Attach all cables you have re m oved.
N ow you are re a dy to install the softwa re. Please go to Chapter 5, “Installing the
Turbo 601 Softwa re .”
N OTE: If you hear the new PowerPC bong and the Mac does not boot pro p e rly,
clear the parameter RAM by holding down the -Option-P-R key s
s i mu l t a n e o u s ly while the computer is starting up. (Make sure the Caps Lock key
is not pre s s e d . )
NO! I DO NOT hear the “BONG”.
T h e re is no response when the Macintosh is turned on.
A diffe rent sound (the fa i l u re tone) is heard when power is turned on.
If you ex p e rience any of the ab ove, re m ove the power cord from the back of the
Mac. Then, do the fo l l owing:
1 . R ev i ew the instructions and ve rify proper installation, making sure that
the Turbo 601 is firm ly seated in the PDS slot.
2 . If the fa i l u re tone was heard, make sure all of the SIMMs are pro p e r ly
i n s t a l l e d .
3 . Plug the power cord into the back of the Macintosh and re s t a rt as befo re .