N OTE: Check the Last Minute Additions & Info file on the DayStar disk fo r
late breaking news or change s .
Updating the system software
The Turbo 601 re q u i res ve rsion 7.5 or greater of Ap p l e ’s system softwa re .
Because the Turbo 601 gi ves you the option of running in PowerPC mode or
68030 mode, you must have the system softwa re for both env i ronments. To
install a “unive rsal” ve rsion of the system softwa re, fo l l ow these steps:
Note: these instructions are for installing a unive rsal ve rsion of System 7.5. If yo u
a re installing a newer ve rsion of the system softwa re consult the instructions that
accompanied the softwa re for info rmation on installing a unive rsal system.
1 .
Shut down your computer.
2 .
I n s e rt the appro p riate System Installer disk into a flo p py disk dri ve .
3 .
Tu rn on the computer.
4 .
Run the Installer by doubl e - cl i cking its icon.
5 .
When you see the Installer’s welcome screen, cl i ck Continu e .
The Easy Install dialog box appears.