You often encounter problems that re q u i re you to re s t a rt the Mac
As you wo rk in an application pro gram, you often encounter pro blems that
re q u i re you to re s t a rt the computer.
You may have an incompatible item in the System Fo l d e r, or your applica-
tion may be incompatible with System 7.5 or gre a t e r. To turn off potentially
i n c o m p a t i ble items in the System Fo l d e r, hold down the Space bar while
you re s t a rt your computer. When the Extensions Manager opens, ch o o s e
“System 7.X Only” from the Sets pop-up menu. Close the Extensions
M a n ager to resume startup. All extensions are turned off, except those
installed with System 7.5 or gre a t e r.
For compatibility info rmation on application pro grams, contact the publ i s h e r.
You can’t open a program, it quits unexpectedly, or you see a mes-
sage that not enough memory is available to open the pro g r a m .
The pro gram needs more memory, or the Macintosh ran out of memory.
Quit the pro grams that you have open and then open the pro gram yo u
want to use. If that doesn’t wo rk, re s t a rt your Macintosh.
Use the pro gra m ’s Info window to gi ve the pro gram more memory. (Quit
the pro gram if it’s open, select the pro gra m ’s icon, choose Get Info fro m
the File menu, and increase the nu m b e rs in the “Minimum size” and
“ P re fe rred size” boxes at the lower ri g h t . )
Tu rn on virtual memory in the Memory control panel.
Install more RAM in your computer.
If the pro gram is not designed specific a l ly for use with the PowerPC, use the
Turbo 601 Control panel to turn off the Tu r b o 601 and re s t a rt.
You see a message that your application program can’t be
opened because a file can’t be found.
P ro grams designed specific a l ly for the PowerPC micro p rocessor use special fil e s
s h a red libra ri e s .
A ny necessary shared libra ries should be automatically
installed in the System Folder when you install these pro gra m s .
Fo l l ow the directions that came with your pro gram and reinstall. If the
s h a red libra ry is still missing, contact the pro gra m ’s manu fa c t u re r.