5. Use
Definition of step-running staining time
After reagent is selected, the staining time can be
selected in the time column. The operator can
click the “+” or “–”symbol for to select time,
or by clicking in the number area to display the
soft keyboard and then input the time expressed
by minute and second.
After input is completed, click the“Close” of soft
keyboard button to save and exit.
Definition of leaching time
Touch the leaching time column to display the soft keyboard, and enter a number to
complete the input (the default setting is 0, and the input value ranges from 0 to 30).
Definition of accurate steps
In the
Whether accurate
column, complete selection
by touching to choose yes or no (the default setting is
Definition of tank vibrating frequency
Touch the column of tank vibrating frequency to
display the soft keyboard, and enter a number to
complete the input (the default setting is 0, and the
input value ranges from 0 to 30).
Except unloading step time which can set by default, durations must be
specified for other steps; otherwise, the program cannot be saved (1
second to 59 minutes and 59 seconds)
When multiple slide stands are placed in the apparatus, conflict of timing may
occur. For the steps that require accurate timing, “accurate” must be set in
the program.
When a certain step of the program is set as accurate, the mechanical arm will
give a priority to the handling of this step.