5. Use
Select creator
Click the drop-down box on the right side of “Creator”
to select the corresponding creator, and the operator
only needs to select the correct creator.
Create date
The creation time is the current time
automatically recognized by the system.
Step line of creating program
Click the button “Insert a step”, and the system displays a dialog box for editing
steps (Fig.46).
In order to complete the defining of program steps,
the following parameters must be input:
1. The stations involved in the steps to be
2. The reagents that correspond to this step (that
must be allocated to the station).
3. Step duration (1 second to 59 minutes and 59
4. Leaching time (0 to 30 seconds).
5. Whether necessary to precisely define as
(yes / no).
6. Frequency of vibrating the tank (0 - 30 times).
If two programs share the same name, the new program name cannot
be saved. If a program name has been used before, the prompt message
“The program name exists, please rename it” is displayed when the
program is saved.