INNOVATION Total 1 Rev. 8 06/2013
Total 1
Bean-Cup Brewer
(800) 561-6162
8 Troubleshooting
There are two type of service messages : Warnings and Errors. Warnings will temporaly disable some
features while errors will put the coffee brewer out of order.
Warning message list
Printer out of paper
No coupons will be printed but all drinks will still be dispensed. It’s time to put a new roll of paper in the
printer. See section 3.14.1 for details.
Printer disconnected
No coupons will be printed but all drinks will still be dispensed. Check printer communication and
power cables.
Filter paper roll empty
The coffee brewer is out of filter paper. All drinks using the coffee brewer will be temporarly removed
from the selection screen. Hot water and soluble only drinks will still be offered. Install a new filter
paper roll to remove this warning. Advance tech info : the status of the filter paper detection switch can
be monitored thru green LED DS14 on the main controler board.
Rinse will be required soon
The number of drinks served is equal to the ‘rince at’ parameter in the service ‘system’ tab (see section
4.6.1). All drinks will still be dispensed. The warning will be displayed on the screen until you enter
service mode and do an auto rince cycle. Service mode, ‘service tab’. See section 5.1 for details.
Waste bin full
The number of coffee drinks served is equal to the ‘Waste bin max’ parameter in the service ‘system’
tab (see section 4.6.1). All drinks using the coffee brewer will be temporarly removed from the
selection screen. Hot water and soluble only drinks will still be offered. You have to empty the waste
bin and reset the vend count. To reset the waste bin count, go into service mode and into ‘service’ tab
and press the ‘Reset waste bin’ button see section 4.2.
Bill value too high
The maximum value for bills inserted is $10.00 If a bill is inserted with a higher value it will be returned
to the customer.
Not enough coins, returning bill
When a bill is inserted the same value of coins must be available for change in the coin changer tubes.
If not enought coins, the bill will be returned. There is an exception for $1.00 bills. No need for change
in the coin acceptor tube to accept the $1.00 bills.