The ZT 8808A and ZT 8809A are single board computers designed
primarily for DOS applications on the STD bus. The combination of
the 8088-compatible V20 microprocessor with RAM, EPROM, serial
ports, a printer port, timers, and a real-time clock makes a hardware-
compatible PC viable for compact industrial applications.
This manual describes the operation and use of the ZT 8808A/8809A.
The only difference between the ZT 8808A and ZT 8809A is the
processor clock speed; the ZT 8808A runs at 5 MHz and the
ZT 8809A runs at 8 MHz. The ZT 88CT08A and ZT 88CT09A are
extended temperature CMOS versions of the ZT 8808A and
ZT 8809A.
Except where otherwise specifically stated, all references in this
manual to the ZT 8809A also apply to the ZT 8808A and
ZT 88CT08A/88CT09A.
The following organizational outline describes the focus of each
chapter. Section headings enclosed in boxes indicate the locations of
labeled tabs, provided for quick access to the appropriate information.
Chapter 1, "Introduction,"is an overview of the ZT 8809A. It
includes a product definition, a listing of product features, a functional
block diagram, and a brief description of each block. If you are
evaluating the ZT 8809A to determine whether it fits your needs, this
chapter is especially useful to you.
Chapter 2, "Getting Started,"summarizes the information you need
to get your ZT 8809A up and running. Refer to the remaining
chapters in this manual for further explanation of the material covered
Chapter 3, "Theory Of Operation," presents a detailed description
of ZT 8809A system level operation. Some of the topics discussed
include microprocessor performance compared to the IBM PC