ZT 88CT08A/88CT09A CMOS Boards
Increased Temperature Range
The ZT 8808A and ZT 8809A boards are rated for operation in
ambient temperatures of 0 to +65˚ C in <95% humidity (non-
ZT 88CT08A
ZT 88CT09A increase this range to -40 to +85˚ C in <95% humidity
Reduced Power Consumption
The CMOS logic used on the ZT 88CT08A and ZT 88CT09A greatly
reduces power consumption. Since power consumption in CMOS
devices is directly related to switching speed and load capacitance,
power is specified for the ZT 88CT08A and ZT 88CT09A uniquely.
Capacitive load is also identified for these power ratings. If using a
Ziatech supplied card cage and power supply, 100 pF capacitors are
mounted at both ends of the card cage, one per signal line. This is the
minimum load presented to the ZT 88CT08A and ZT 88CT09A.
Power consumption is reduced to 500 mA maximum for the
ZT 88CT08A and 600 mA for the ZT 88CT09A. This is calculated
with no RAM or EPROM in the four on-board memory sockets and a
50 pF load on the STD bus. Typical power consumption on the
ZT 88CT08A measured 195 mA with one 64 Kbyte EPROM and one
128 Kbyte RAM and a 100 pF load on the STD bus.