Customer Support
The Automation Engine is available for OEM system
designers or high volume users of the ZT 8809A STD DOS
system. The ZT 8809A is shipped with a license for DOS, and it
is used for systems with completed application software. It is
assumed here that the user is familiar with the ZT 8809A STD
DOS system.
Some things to look for if the system didn’t boot:
The LED near the extractor should have lit (this is set by
DOS). If it lit but the RAM test did not start, the most
likely problem is the serial communications between the
STD system and the host computer.
Check that the serial cable is connected from the
proper serial port on the ZT 8809A to COM1 on the
PC, or to the terminal. Refer to your STD DOS
System Manual for further information.
If the ZT 8809A is tied to a PC, be sure the proper
25-pin D male connector on the PC is being used and
that it is connected to COM1.
Be sure the COM port on the ZT 8809A is jumpered
configuration as
explained in Appendix A.
Check the serial cable for open connections.