Getting Started
The fastest way to begin using the ZT 8809A is with the addition of
development software available from Ziatech.
development system allows you to download application software
developed on an IBM PC (or equivalent) through a serial port onto the
ZT 8809A. In addition to download and upload capabilities, STD
ROM uses Borland’s Turbo Debugger
, which provides a wide
variety of commands for debugging software. When the code is ready
to be placed into EPROM, the locater program included with the STD
ROM system is used to format the file into an Intel hexadecimal
format acceptable to most EPROM programmers. This STD ROM
system is used primarily for applications written in assembly language
and ROM-able high-level languages.
STD DOS for the ZT 8809A is intended for designers who wish to
develop an application using a high-level language or for those
systems requiring a resident operating system (to support disk
subsystems, for example). STD DOS is an MS-DOS
system that resides on the ZT 8809A and is able to run most PC
software. In addition to high-level language support, STD DOS
includes an extensive base of easily integrated software such as:
Support for EGA and VGA graphics (ZT 8844 and ZT 8980)
Fixed and floppy disks (ZT 8850 and ZT 8950 series)
RAM and EPROM disks (ZT 8825 and on-board ZT 8809A)
Centronics printer interface (on-board ZT 8809A)
IEEE 488 support (ZT 8847 and ZT 8848)
Serial (ZT 8840, ZT 8841, and on-board ZT 8809A)
Real-time clock (on-board ZT 8809A)