IM 701730-01E
Explanation of Functions
Analyzing, and Searching Waveforms
Displaying History Waveforms <For the setup procedure, see section 10.1>
Past waveform data (history waveforms) stored in the acquisition memory can be
displayed when waveform acquisition is stopped. You can display a specified history
waveform from the data (up to 2048 waveforms, or the number of triggers) stored in the
acquisition memory.
The number of waveforms N that can be acquired and held as history waveforms varies
from 1 to 2048 depending on the record length and interleave mode settings. The
waveform currently displayed on the screen (newest waveform) is counted as the 1st
waveform, and up to N-1 waveforms in the past can be displayed.
History Search
You can search history waveforms that meet specified conditions when waveform
acquisition is stopped.
Zone Search <For the setup procedure, see section 10.2>
You can search history waveforms that pass or do not pass a specified search zone.
History waveforms
Selected Record No. 0
Selected Record No. –25
Specified search zone
Detects waveforms that pass
through the specified search zone
Waveform Parameter Search <For the setup procedure, see section 10.3>
You can search history waveforms that meet or do not meet the specified search
parameter conditions.
History waveforms
Selected Record No. –28
Selected Record No. 0
Detects this section
Search parameter: P-P
Status of the search parameters
for the searched waveform: OUT
Search range