IM 701730-01E
Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters
Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters <For the setup procedure, see
section 10.6>
You can automatically perform measurement on channels of specified rise times, pulse
widths, and other parameters. Up to twenty-seven items can be measured. Up to twelve
parameters from the selected parameters of all the channels can be displayed.
Measurement is performed on the data stored in the acquisition memory.
Statistical Processing <For the setup procedure, see section 10.7>
You can perform statistical processing on the automatically measured values above.
The following five statistics can be determined on the two measured values of automated
measurement parameters.
• Maximum value (Max)
• Minimum value (Min)
• Average value (Avg)
• Standard deviation (Sdv)
• Number of measured values used in the statistical processing (Cnt)
Automated measurement values of statistics
Statistical processing results
Measurement range
The following three statistical processing methods are available.
• Normal Statistical Processing
Statistical processing is performed on all acquired waveforms while acquiring waveforms.
• Statistical Processing by Cycle
The displayed waveform is separated into automatically determined cycles, and
statistical processing is performed on the measured values within each cycle.
Statistical processing is performed from the oldest data of the displayed waveforms.
In the left figure, the number of
cycles of the channel whose
cycle is the slowest (CH3) is 4.
Therefore, statistical processing
is performed on the four oldest
cycles of data for CH1 and CH2,
also. The rest of the data is not
used in statistical processing.
When Own is selected as the waveform used to determine the cycle
Applicable cycles
Applicable cycles
Applicable cycles
* CH3 not available on the DL1720E.
• Statistical Processing of History Waveforms
Automated measurement is performed on the history waveforms in the selected range
and statistical processing is performed. Statistical processing is performed from the
oldest data.
2.6 Analyzing, and Searching Waveforms