IM 701730-01E
Explanation of Functions
X-Y Waveform Display <For the setup procedure, see section 8.5>
The relationship between the levels of two input signals can be observed by taking the
level of the waveform assigned to the X-axis (horizontal axis) and the level of another
waveform (whose display is turned ON) assigned to the Y-axis (vertical axis).
Simultaneous observation of X-Y waveforms and normal T-Y waveforms (waveform
display using time axis and level) is possible.
You can use the X-Y waveform display function to measure the phase angle between
two sine wave signals. For example, the waveform that appears when two sine
waveforms are shown on the X-Y display is called a Lissajous waveform. From this
waveform, the phase angle can be obtained. For a display example, see “Display
Example When Displaying X-Y Waveforms” in section 1.3.
angle 0
angle 45
angle 90
Lissajous waveform
Snapshot <For the setup procedure, see section 8.6>
When the trigger mode is set to a mode other than Single or Single(N), the displayed
waveforms are periodically updated or displayed in roll mode (see page 2-7). Therefore
to hold the waveform you are currently viewing, you must stop waveform acquisition.
By using the snapshot function, you can temporarily hold the waveform (snapshot
waveform) that would be cleared when the screen is updated on the screen. The
snapshot waveform is displayed in white, allowing for easy comparison against the
updated waveform. The snapshot waveform is a screen image waveform. You can save,
load, and print the screen image data, but cursor measurements, automated
measurement of waveform parameters, zoom, and computation cannot be performed on
Snapshot waveforms
Clear Trace <For the setup procedure, see section 8.6>
You can clear the snapshot waveform and restart averaging and accumulation using one
key operation. Pressing the SHIFT key followed by the SNAP SHOT key clears only the
snapshot waveforms.
2.4 Waveform Acquisition and Display Conditions