1. Introduction
1.1. CAMAG
The Automatic Development Chamber (ADC2) permits repro-
ducible chromatogram development without the need for con-
stant monitoring by the user. The ADC2 is shipped with
EquiLink, RS232 cable and built-in interface for connecting to a
computer with winCATS from which the instrument can be run
but it can be used in Stand-Alone mode too.
By means of ADC2, developing of HPTLC chromatograms will
be reproducible. The user is free from any process monitoring.
The user decides whether and how to precondition the plate,
pre-selects the distance to be migrated by the solvent system
and the drying parameters.
Development proceeds automatically and under controlled con-
ditions. A CCD-sensor monitors the progress of the solvent
front; the distance covered and the time elapsed are continu-
ously displayed. On completion of development, the HPTLC
plate is dried with air and finally stays safely protected in the
chamber until removed by the user.
If used in
Stand-Alone mode
all method parameters are en-
tered via the keypad. Ten complete development programs can
be saved in nonvolatile memory and started at will without PC-
HPTLC plates with a thickness of up to 2.5mm can be used in
the ADC2. If using aluminum foils it is mandatory to utilize a
special foil holder # 115.8363.
The ADC2 controlled by the software
>Planar Chro-
matography Manager< permits full control of the development
process by monitoring and reporting all parameters including all
TLC steps of an analysis, i.e. definition of plate material, sample
application, derivatization, development and evaluation. All data
are handled in a GMP/GLP compliant environment. With the
appropriate winCATS option, the ADC2 can be used in a 21
CFR Part 11 compliant environment.
Information on how to install the ADC2 EquiLink is available in
the comprehensive electronic help system and the interactive
tutorial supplied with winCATS.
Manual, August 2005
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