When inserting the components into the gas wash bottle, make
sure the funnel is sitting on the undissolved salt layer! If prop-
erly fitted, the lid (1) touches the upper edge of the gas wash
bottle (see fig. 14).
Fig.14: 1 = top cap, 2 = filters, 3 = splash guard plates,
4 =
distribution funnel with
undissolved salt underneath
The connection of the gas wash bottle to the ventilation valve
module is made with two pre-assembled hoses.
Connect the center hose (black socket) to the “black”
horizontal socket of ventilation valve and the outside
hose (grey socket) to the “grey” socket of the ventila-
tion valve!
WARNING: Make sure to connect these hoses correctly,
because you would fill the ADC2 with salt solution in case of a
wrong connection! (See fig. 15
Manual, August 2005
Page 35
For convenience, i.e. plugging in/out,
sleeves # 672.0058 can be used here