IM 701730-01E
Explanation of Functions
Vertical and Horizontal Axis
Vertical Sensitivity (V/div) <For the setup procedure, see section 5.2>
The vertical sensitivity setting is used to adjust the displayed amplitude of the waveform
for easy viewing.
The vertical sensitivity is set by assigning a voltage to one grid square (one division) on
the screen.
By switching attenuators with different attenuation and changing the amplification of the
pre-amplifier, the sensitivity changes in steps (for example, vertical axis sensitivity
changes in steps as in 1 V/div, 2 V/div, and 5 V/ div).
In addition, by computing the digital data of the waveforms acquired at the vertical
sensitivity described above, the waveforms can be displayed by setting the sensitivity to
0.4 (or 0.5) to 10 times the vertical axis setting that was used to acquire the waveforms
1 div = 1.00 V
1 div = 0.500 V
If 1.00 V/div is changed to 0.500 V/div
GND level
Voltage Axis Sensitivity Setting and Measurement Resolution
For precise voltage measurements, set the voltage axis sensitivity so that the amplitude of the
displayed waveform is maximized.
The instrument uses 8-bit A/D converters to sample the input signal at a resolution of 255
levels (LSB). On the screen, the waveforms are displayed using twenty-four levels per
division on the grid.
Valid Data Range
Assuming that the output value from the A/D converter is in the range of 0 to 255, the data
point at the center of the screen corresponds to 128 of the A/D output. However, because the
full range of the A/D converter is 255 levels, the 256th level on the screen is not used. In
addition, the instrument handles the output values of the A/D converter as 0s and 1s.
Therefore, the valid data range of the instrument is approximately
5.29 divisions from the
center of the screen.
If the vertical axis position is moved after stopping data (waveform) acquisition, the valid data
range also moves by the same amount.
Vertical Position of the Waveform <For the setup procedure, see section 5.3>
Since the instrument is capable of displaying four channels (two channels on the
DL1720E) of input waveforms, the waveforms may overlap making them difficult to be
observed. In this case, you can change the display position of waveforms along the
vertical axis (vertical position) for easier viewing.
The vertical position can be set in the range of
4 divisions.
The vertical sensitivity (V/div) switches around the vertical position (mark).
Position 2.00 div
Position –3.00 div
Position 0.00 div
Vertical position