IM 701730-01E
Setup Data That Are Saved
The setup data existing at the time the store operation is executed can be saved.
However, setup data such as the date/time and communications settings are not saved.
Data Size
The size of the setup data is approximately 47 KB.
However, if GO/NO-GO determination is performed using zones (see section 10.9), 4 KB
of data is added for each registered zone.
Storage Medium and Directory
Storage media with which saving and loading are possible are displayed on the File List
Display Examples of Storage Media
• Floppy Disk
Floppy disk
PC Card:
PC card
NetWork: Network drive (when the Ethernet interface option is installed)
USB storage
Auto Naming
When Auto Naming is turned ON, files with a four digit number from 0000 to 2399 are
automatically created when saving the data. You can specify a common name (up to ten
characters, specified through Filename) that is placed before the number.
File Name and Comment
• A file name must be assigned. Comments are optional.
• You cannot save to a file name that already exists in the same directory (overwriting
not allowed).
Number and Types of Characters That Can Be Used
Number of Characters
Characters That Can Be Used
File name
1 to 14 characters
0 to 9, A to Z, %, _, ( , ), -
0 to 25 characters
All characters (including spaces)
The .SET extension is automatically added to the file name.
Specifying the File to Be Displayed on the File List Window
Specify the type of files to be displayed.
.SET: Displays only setup data files.
Displays all the files in the directory.
Displays information about the selected file including the name, extension, the file size,
the date the file was saved, the attribute, and the comment.
12.6 Saving/Loading Settings