IM 701730-01E
Analyzing and Searching Waveforms
Measurement Range: T-Range1/T-Range2
The selectable range is
5 divisions, and the resolution is ten divisions
display record
length. The right end of the measurement range (T-Range2) must be greater than or
equal to the left end of the measurement range (T-Range1).
Distal, Mesial, and Proximal Values
You can select the method of assigning the three levels that are used as references in
measurements such as the rise and fall times. The distal value must be greater than or
equal to the mesial value, and the proximal value must be greater than or equal to the
mesial value.
Taking the high and low levels to be 100% and 0%, respectively, you can set the
distal, mesial, and proximal values of each waveform in the range of 0% to 100%.
The resolution is 1%.
Unit: You can set the distal, mesial, and proximal values of each waveform in the range
corresponding to V/div
(8 divisions within the screen). The resolution is 0.01
Method of Setting High and Low
High indicates the 100% level in measurements such as the rise or fall time, and Low
indicates the 0% level. You can select the method for setting High and Low.
The higher amplitude level is set to high and lower level is set to low by
taking into account the frequency of occurrence of the voltage level of the
waveform being measured within the measurement range and the effects of
ringing and spikes. This method is best-suited when measuring rectangular
waveforms and pulse waveforms.
MAX-MIN: The maximum value (MAX) and the minimum value (MIN) in the
measurement range are set to high and low values, respectively. Applies to
such waves as sine waves and saw tooth waves. It does not apply to
waveforms with ringing or spikes.
If measurement is not possible, *** is displayed in the measured value display area.
If the measurement mode is Degree and the reference point is Trig, *** is displayed in the
measured value display area.
For waveforms of small amplitude, correct measurements may not be possible.
If there are two or more periods of waveform in the measurement range, the automatic
measurement of Fall, Freq, Period, +Width, .Width, and Duty is performed on the first
10.6 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters