IM 701730-01E
Explanation of Functions
Waveform Computation
Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication <For the setup procedure, see section 9.2>
Addition, subtraction, and multiplication can be performed between waveforms of CH1
and CH1 to CH4; CH2 and CH1 to CH4; CH3 and CH1 to CH4 or Math1; and CH4 and
CH1 to CH4 or Math1 (or between CH1 and CH1 to CH2, or CH2 and CH1 to CH2 on
the DL1720E). The computed result becomes the Math1 or Math2 waveform (or the
Math1 waveform for the DL1720E).
Addition (+) and subtraction (–) are useful functions when comparing waveforms against
a standard signal, checking the signal logic, or comparing the phase. Multiplication (_) is
a useful function when applying a voltage signal and a current signal and checking the
power waveform.
Subtraction (–)
Addition (+)
Multiplication (
Binary Computation <For the setup procedure, see section 9.3>
The selected waveform can be converted to a digital waveform of 0s and 1s with respect
to the specified threshold level. This computation can be performed on the waveforms of
CH1 to CH4 and Math1 (or CH1 to CH2 on the DL1720E).
Inversion <For the setup procedure, see section 9.4>
The voltage axis can be inverted on the display by multiplying the measured data by -1.
This computation can be performed on the waveforms of CH1 to CH4 and Math1 (or
CH1 to CH2 on the DL1720E).
Differentiation (Diff) and Integration (Integ) <For the setup procedure, see section 9.5>
Differentiates or integrates the waveform of the selected channel. This computation can
be performed on the waveforms of CH1 to CH4 and Math1 (or CH1 to CH2 on the
Phase Shift <For the setup procedure, see section 9.8>
You can shift the phase of the displayed waveforms on CH1 to CH4 (or CH1 and CH2 on
the DL1720E), and use the phase-shifted data in calculations.
Scaling the Computed Waveform <For the setup procedure, see section 9.2>
Normally, auto scaling is performed when computed waveforms are displayed. However,
you can also select manual scaling.
When auto scaling is used, the vertical center line level
and sensitivity
of the display
frame are automatically determined from the computed waveform, and the computed
waveform is displayed.
When manual scaling is used, you can set the center and sensitivity as necessary.
1. Voltage in the case of voltage waveforms.
2. Voltage per division in the case of voltage waveforms.