I/O Modules • 163
Process Data Architecture for CANopen
These modules present themselves with 2x2 bytes, so that the object 0x6411
(also 0x2500 possible) for 2 byte Special Modules, Outputs is used. Therefore
for each channel one Subindex is occupied.
4 Channel Analog Output Modules
750-553, -555, -557, -559, 753-553, -555, -557, -559
Output Process Image
byte Destination
0 D0
1 D1
Output Value Channel 1
2 D2
3 D3
Output Value Channel 2
4 D4
5 D5
Output Value Channel 3
6 D6
7 D7
Output Value Channel 4
These modules present themselves with 4x2 bytes, so that the object 0x6411
(also 0x2500 possible) for 2 byte Special Modules, Outputs is used. Therefore
for each channel one Subindex is occupied.
5.2.5 Specialty Modules
With individual modules beside the data bytes also the control/status byte is
mapped in the process image. The control/status byte is required for the bi-
directional data exchange of the module with the higher-ranking control sys-
tem. The control byte is transmitted from the control system to the module and
the status byte from the module to the control system. This allows, for exam-
ple, setting of a counter with the control byte or displaying of overshooting or
undershooting of the range with the status byte.
Further information
For detailed information about the structure of a particular module’s con-
trol/status byte, please refer to that module’s manual. Manuals for each
module can be found on the Internet under:
Counter Modules
750-404, (and all variations except of /000-005),
753-404, (and variations /000-003)
The above Counter Modules have a total of 5 bytes of user data in both the In-
put and Output Process Image (4 bytes of counter data and 1 byte of con-
trol/status). The counter value is supplied as 32 bits. The following tables il-