• 147
Network Communication
00 FF 81 04 07 11 81 02
Emergency Telegram
2 Error
Channel 1
Error detected
Module plugged at position 17
Diagnosis message
Bit 2 is set, wire breakage (see module description)
Error Register
Error Code
Fig. 4-7: Design of Emergency-Telegramm 2
the occurred error (wire break at digital module 750-506) is overcome.
00 00 81 00 07 11 01 01
Emergency Telegram
1 Error
Channel 1
Error corrected
Module plugged at position 17
Diagnosis message
Always 0 for ok message
Error Register
Error Code
Fig. 4-8: Design of Emergency-Telegramm 3
For the digital modules with diagnostics, the diagnostic data is additionally
mapped into the process image. Module 750-506 used as an example here-
above, shows 4 bits in the output process (1 bit output value and 1 bit unused
per channel) and 4 bits in the input process image (2 bits diagnostics per
channel - wire break, short circuit).