Function Description
750-880, 750-880/025-000 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus Controller
Version 1.0.1
Data exchange takes place between the fieldbus master and the I/O modules,
between the PLC function of the PFC (CPU) and the I/O modules and between the
fieldbus master and the PLC function of the PFC (CPU).
Pos: 75.6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Funktionsbeschreibung/Datenaustausch/Datenaustausch - Wird der Feldbus MODBUS genutzt, greift der Master über die (Controller) @ 6\mod_1256044816515_21.doc @ 43225 @ @ 1
If MODBUS is used as the fieldbus, the MODBUS master accesses the date using
the MODBUS functions implemented in the controller; Ethernet/IP, in contrast,
uses an object model for data access.
Pos: 75.7 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Funktionsbeschreibung/Datenaustausch/Datenaustausch - Der Zugriff des Feldbuscontrollers auf die Daten erfolgt mit Hilfe eines IEC-611... @ 6\mod_1256044879953_21.doc @ 43228 @ @ 1
Data access is carried out with the aid of an IEC-61131-3 application program.
Data addressing varies greatly here.
Pos: 75.8 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1