Commissioning 125
750-880, 750-880/025-000 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus Controller
Version 1.0.1
As Administrator, enter the user name: "
" and the password "
A start page is then displayed in the browser window with information about your
fieldbus controller. You can navigate to other information using the hyperlinks in
the left navigation bar.
Pos: 80.21.28 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Web-based Management-System/Seite Information/Information - Bild (750-881) @ 8\mod_1276851470992_21.doc @ 58035 @ @ 1
Figure 51: WBM page "Information"
Pos: 80.21.29 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Feldbusknoten in Betrieb nehmen/Hinweis: Zur Anzeige des Web-based-Management-Systems Proxy-Server deaktivieren! @ 4\mod_1239178521218_21.doc @ 30346 @ @ 1
Disable the proxy server to display the web-based Management-System!
If these pages are not displayed for local access to the fieldbus nodes, you must
define in the Web browser properties that, as an exception, no proxy server are to
be used for the node IP address.
Pos: 80.21.30 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Feldbusknoten in Betrieb nehmen/Hinweis: Änderung der Controller-IP durch DHCP-Server im Netz möglich! (Controller) @ 4\mod_1239109927671_21.doc @ 30258 @ @ 1