Do you have any problems with your sewing machine?
Is your cover not working properly?
Do you have questions that the manual does not provide an answer for?
Do you require specific spare parts?
Please register your W6 sewing machine online at under
“Service” according to the warranty conditions.
You can find the current contact details on the website
You are also welcome to contact our customer service by email.
You will find our contact details and a lot of useful information that has been collected
for you under “Help” on our website at You will also find many
helpful videos on instructions, threading and applications.
We also offer you useful and tested accessories for sewing on
An inspection performed at regular intervals will result in quiet operating
characteristics and nice seams. Furthermore, this will also increase how long your
sewing machine lasts.
Please use the contact form on the website to contact us
regarding an inspection at your expense. Parts subject to the warranty conditions will
of course be replaced free of charge.