Serial Communication
Custom Print Formats
VT200/220 Technical Manual, Rev 1.00.01
Field Codes Allowed in Custom Print Formats
[!005] – date (when RTC option is installed).
[!011] – average piece weight used in counting
[!012] – number of pieces counted.
[!013] – time (when RTC option is installed).
[!014] – gross weight.
[!015] – current tare value.
[!016] – current memory serial number.
[!017] – net weight.
[!042] – current accumulated total.
[!098] – unit of weight.
Example of Custom Print Format
Vishay Transducers
WEIGHT <[!014] kg>
N: [!016]
The above code results in the following printed ticket:
Vishay Transducers
WEIGHT <12345 kg>
N: 0001
Downloading a Custom Print Format
Before you can download a custom print format, you must create it on a PC, as an
ASCII file 511 bytes or less in length (see the previous section).
The VT200/220 can store up to two custom print formats, in two memory slots.
Function 41 is used to download a print format to the first slot; function 42 is used to
download a print format to the second slot. You can download a custom print format
to one or both slots.
To download a custom print format:
1. Connect a PC to port 1 on the indicator, set baud rate = 2400 and
= 20.
2. Use a serial communication program (such as Windows Hyper Terminal or
Procomm) to set the serial port, baud rate, data bits, etc.
3. Press
( ) for three seconds. The display shows
fn 00