Mechanical and Electrical Installation VD560 Series Inverter User Manual
- 28 - Wiring Diagram of Main Circuit of Three-phase and Lower Than 2.2kW Inverter
Fig 3.6-2 Wiring diagram of main circuit of three-phase and lower than 2.2kW inverter Wiring Diagram of Main Circuit of Three-phase 3.7kW-15kW Inverter
Fig 3.6-3 Wiring diagram of main circuit of three-phase 3.7kW-15kW inverter Wiring Diagram of Main Circuit of Three-phase and Higher Than 18.5kW Inverter
Fig 3.6-4 Wiring diagram of main circuit of three-phase and higher than 18.5kW inverter
3.6.2 Instructions of Main Circuit Terminals of Inverter:
Table 3-6 Instructions of main circuit terminals of inverter
Function Instruction
L, N
Single-phase power supply input terminals, external connection of grid single
phase 220VAC power supply
R, S, T
Input terminal of AC 3-phase power supply, external connection of grid 3phase AC
power supply
U, V, W
Output terminal of 3phase power supply, external connection of AC 3phase motor
P+, P-
Positive and negative terminals of DC bus, external connection of braking unit
P+, PB
External connection of braking resistor terminal
P1, P+
External connection of DC electric reactor terminal
Grounding terminal