NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server
Disable Job Logging
Disables the logging of job information used by the NetBackup activity
monitor. By default, job logging occurs.
Media ID Prefix
Applies to media in nonrobotic drives and specifies the media ID prefix that is
used to create media IDs when unlabeled media is found in a nonrobotic drive.
The prefix must be one to three alpha-numeric characters. NetBackup appends
remaining numeric characters. By default, NetBackup uses A and assigns
media IDs such as A00000, A00001, and so on.
For example, if you specify FEB, NetBackup appends the remaining numeric
characters so the assigned media IDs become FEB000, FEB001, and so on.
Media Unmount Delay
Applies only to user operations, including backups and restores of database-
extension clients, such as those running NetBackup for Oracle. When you
specify this option, the media unload is delayed for the specified number of
seconds after the requested operation has completed. This delay reduces
unnecessary media unmounts and media positioning in cases where the media
is requested again a short time later.
To change the delay, select the check box and specify the new value in the text
box. The delay can range from 0 to 1800 seconds (the default is 180 seconds). If
you specify 0, the media unmount occurs immediately upon completion of the
requested operation. The maximum delay is 1800 seconds. Values greater than
1800 are set to 1800.
Media Request Delay
Applies only to nonrobotic drives and specifies the number of seconds that
NetBackup waits for a drive to become ready. This is useful if a gravity feed
stacker is used on a nonrobotic drive and there is a time delay between the
dismount of one media and the mounting of another.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT