Managing NetBackup
Restoring from Duplicated Backups
Each backup is assigned a primary copy. NetBackup uses the primary copy to
satisfy restore requests. If the primary copy is unavailable and you have
created a duplicate, change the primary copy by entering the following
command (one line):
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpduplicate -npc
install_path is the directory were NetBackup is installed.
pcopy is the copy number you want to be the new primary.
bid is the backup identifier as shown in the Images on Media report.
09:58:50 INF - Destination storage unit odl on host eel.
09:58:52 INF - Duplicating class ODL0, schedule full (giskard_0784364892) created 11/09/94
01:08:12, media id ODL01A.
09:59:01 INF - Waiting for mount of media id ODL07B on server eel.
09:59:05 INF - Waiting for mount of media id ODL01A on server eel.
09:59:15 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ODL07B on server eel.
09:59:17 INF - Beginning duplication on server eel of client giskard image, copy 2
09:59:22 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ODL01A on server eel.
09:59:25 INF - Beginning duplicate on server eel of client giskard.
10:00:05 INF - Duplicate of backupid giskard_0784364892 successful.
10:00:07 INF - Duplicating class ODL0, schedule full (yak_0784364986) created 11
/09/94 01:09:46, media id ODL01A.
10:00:31 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ODL07B on server eel.
10:00:33 INF - Beginning duplication on server eel of client yak image, copy 2
10:00:33 INF - Waiting for positioning of media id ODL01A on server eel.
10:01:48 INF - Duplicate of backupid yak_0784364986 successful.
10:01:50 INF - Duplicating class ODL0, schedule full (raistlin_0784365070) creat
ed 11/09/94 01:11:10, media id ODL01A.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT