Managing NetBackup
Indexing the Image Database to Reduce Restore Times
You can reduce the total time required to restore files by creating indexes of the
backed up files that are recorded in the NetBackup image database. NetBackup
can then use the indexes to go directly to the database entry for a file rather
starting the search at the beginning of the database entries.
You can generate indexes for one client or all clients and for up to nine levels of
directories by using the following command:
level client_name
• level is the number of directory levels you want to index (1 to 9). These
levels refer to the directories from which files were backed up on the client.
For example, if the search is for
and level
is 2, then NetBackup starts the search at
. The default
is 9.
• client_name is the name of the client whose backups you want to index. The
default is all clients.
Execute this command once, to activate indexing for a client. Once activated,
indexing is done automatically each night when NetBackup does its cleanup
for the previous day’s activities.
Database Index Examples
• To index a client named mars to index level 5 (five levels of directories),
\NetBackup\bin\index_clients.cmd 5 mars
• To index selected clients, execute a command for each of them (you cannot
use wildcards). The following indexes clients named mars, jupiter and
neptune to index level 5:
\NetBackup\bin\index_clients.cmd 5 mars
\NetBackup\bin\index_clients.cmd 5 jupiter
\NetBackup\bin\index_clients.cmd 5 neptune
• To index all NetBackup clients to index level 3, execute:
\NetBackup\bin\index_clients.cmd 3
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT