NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server
Backup End Notify Timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that the server waits for the
script on a client to complete. The default is 300 seconds.
If you change this option, verify that Client Read Timeout is set to the
same or higher value.
Media Tab
The Media tab defines properties that control how NetBackup manages media.
The following topics explain the settings on this tab.
Allow Media Overwrite
Overrides NetBackup’s overwrite protection for the following media formats
on removable media:
• ANSI - ANSI labeled media
• AOS/VS - Data General AOS/VS backup format
• CPIO - cpio format
• DBR - a VERITAS backup format that is no longer used
• MTF1 - Backup Exec
• TAR - tar format
To disable overwrite protection, select the desired format. For example, select
CPIO to permit NetBackup to overwrite the cpio format.
By default, NetBackup does not overwrite any of the above formats on
removable media, and logs an error if an overwrite attempt occurs. This format
recognition requires that the first block on a variable length media be less than
or equal to 32 kilobytes.
If media contains one of the protected formats you do not permit media
overwriting, NetBackup takes the following actions:
• If the volume has not been previously assigned for a backup, NetBackup
takes the following actions:
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT