NetBackup Commands
This is the maximum multiplexing factor for this schedule.
Multiplexing sends concurrent, multiple backups from one or
several clients to a single drive. Refer to the multiplexing topic in
the NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server.
The multiplexing factor can range from 1 to 32, where 1 specifies no
multiplexing. A value greater than 1 means that NetBackup should
create multiplexed images on the destination media. The
multiplexing factor should be less than or equal to the multiplexing
factor for the storage unit.
Specifies the volume pool for the schedule. Do not use this option if
a disk storage unit is the residence for the schedule. If "*NULL*" is
specified, the volume pool for the schedule is the volume pool of
the class which contains this schedule.
To display the configured volume pools, use the Media Manager
system administrator’s interface.
Specifies the label of the storage unit to be used for storing the
backups created according to this schedule. If "*NULL*" is
specified, the residence for the schedule defaults to the residence of
the class which contains this schedule. If the residence value is a
storage unit label, the residence for the schedule becomes that
storage unit, overriding the residence for the class.
to display the set of defined storage units.
Specifies how long NetBackup will retain the backups that it creates
using this schedule. Valid retention levels and their corresponding
default retention times are listed below.
Because the retention period associated with each level can be
changed by using the NetBackup administration interface, your configuration
may have different values for each level than those shown here. Use the
NetBackup Administration interface to determine the actual retention periods
before making any changes with this command. Otherwise, backups could
expire sooner than you expect, resulting in loss of data.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT