Managing NetBackup
Table 13 Processes List
Name of the process.
Unique identifier of this process. Process ID numbers
are reused, so they only identify a process for the
lifetime of that process.
User Time
Percentage of processor time that this process’s
threads have spent in user mode.
Total User Time
Amount of processor time (in seconds) that this
process has spent in user mode.
Privileged Time
Percent of processor time that this process has spent
in privileged mode.
Total Privileged Time
Amount of processor time (in seconds) that this
process has spent in privileged mode.
Processor Time
Percentage of processor time (since the last refresh)
that all of the threads of this process have used.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT