index_client command, 217
Indexing, image database, 217
Individual file restore from raw, 70
Informix class type, 59
Initial browse search limit, 481
install_path, 527
Interval for status reports, 472
(also see Activity monitor)
concurrent per disk storage unit, 29
maximum per class, 62
maximum per client, 470
priority for class, 64
Keep status property for user operations,
processes, 265
uncompleted jobs, 255
Labeling media, 444, 448
Last media used, catalog backups, 180
Library, definition, 528
List restore permissions, 487
Load balancing, 219
Locked File Action, 517
Logging enabled for debug, 467
(also see reports)
progress, for user operations, 5
setting retention period, 472
Mail notifications
administrator E-mail address, 466
changing Email address, 469
Windows NT nbmail.cmd script, 469
Manual backups
class, 194
NetBackup catalogs, 186
Master server (see Server, NetBackup)
Master server properties, 132
Maximum concurrent jobs, disk storage
unit, 29
Maximum data streams for client, 486
Maximum error messages for server, 512
Maximum fragment size
disk storage unit, 29
media manager storage unit, 25
Maximum jobs per class, setting, 62
Maximum jobs per client
specifying, 470
Maximum physical drives used, 473
Maximum Restore Apollo Arg Chars, 492
active, 289
automatic suspend, 449
backup fragmentation, 446
determining requirements, 438
format, 445
freeze, 441
labeling, 448
last used for catalog backup, 180
media and device information, 439
mount and unmount, 448
nonactive, 289
overwrite protection, 482
reports (see Reports)
selection algorithm, 441
spanning, 443
states, 440
type for catalog backup, 180
unfreeze, 441
unsuspend, 441, 449
Media 1 and Media 2, catalog backup, 180
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT