NetBackup System Administrator’s Guide - Windows NT Server
restore on Windows clients, 87
Remote administration, 195
(also see logs)
all log entries, 277
backup status, 273
client backups, 274
copying from, 273
images on media, 285
interval for information, 472
introduction to, 266
media contents, 281
media list, 279
media log entries, 288
media summary, 289
media written, 289
printing, 272
problems, 276
running, 270
saving, 273
select server for, 270
settings, 271
window description, 267
Re-Queued job, 253
Required network interface, 468
restore_notify script, 207
overview, 3, 5
catalog backups, 178
caution for alternate client, 210
caution for alternate path, 213
definition, 531
directed from the server, 209
from duplicated backups, 233
reducing search time, 217
registry on Windows clients, 87
restore_notify script, 207
server directed, 451
server independent, 221
setting client permissions, 487
to alternate clients, 210
Retention level (see Retention period)
Retention period
caution for setting, 122
definition, 532
for automatic schedules, 104
guidelines for setting, 433
mixing on media, 105
precautions for setting, 105
redefining, 474
user schedule, 122
backups, 471
restores, 467
Retry count for busy files, 518
Right-click shortcut menus, 9
rl, 279
Rmed, 287
root, 532
SAP class type, 60
job information, 255
report, 273
overview, 4, 35
adding to class, 101
automatic, how processed, 426
catalog backup, 182
delete backup window, 111
Dup button, 110
examples, of automatic, 111
frequency, 106
naming, 103
priority, 106
retention period
guidelines, 433
setting, 104
setting backup times, 108
specify multiplexing, 107
storage unit, 107
type of backup, 103
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT