TSH - Tape Stacker Half-inch
A Media Manager designation for a category of robot. For the specific vendor
types and models in this category, see the NetBackup release notes.
user operation
A backup, archive, or restore that is started by a person on a client system.
verbose flag
Causes a higher level of detail to be written in the logs.
An operation that compares the list of files that are actually on a volume with
what NetBackup has recorded as being on it. The data that is on the media is
not verified.
Removable media that has been assigned a media ID and other attributes so
Media Manager can use it.
volume pool
A set of volumes that are configured within Media Manager to be used by a
single application and are protected from access by other applications and
wakeup interval
The time interval at which NetBackup checks for backups that are due.
The program that DomainOS clients use to write data on tape.
wildcard characters
A character that can be used to represent other characters in searches.
WORM media
Write once, read many (optical disks).
A backup, archive, and restore program for users on NetBackup UNIX clients.
It has an X Windows based, graphical interface.
The main NetBackup administration utility on UNIX. It has an X Windows
based graphical interface.
A NetBackup utility used for monitoring jobs on UNIX. It has an X Windows
based graphical interface.
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT
NetBackup 3.2 System Administrator's Guide for Windows NT