Perfecta™ 3600STP
User’s Guide
Scan to Network Setup Process
10. Define Log-in Authentication settings:
User name:
Contains the name of the 'scanner user'.
Contains the password of the 'scanner user'.
11. Enter user name and password of the 'scanner user' that you have already
created on the remote computer.
Leave user domain field empty unless user is a member of a Windows
domain. If user is only a local user of the remote computer, leave field empty.
You can use the name (instead of IP address) in server name field only if the
shared folder is on a Windows computer in the same local network. The name
must be simple (up to 16 characters long) without a domain suffix (no dots in
the name). Fully qualified DNS domain names are not supported. If the product
and network folder are in different networks, or if the remote computer is not
running Windows, then you must use the IPv4 address instead of the name of
the remote computer. On IPv6 networks, IPv6 address is also supported.
12. Select
to continue.