UTT Technologies Chapter 14 Status
Page 263
Outgoing Call
The Device started dialing out.
Session down
Manually (PPPOE)
The session whose name is PPPOE was hanged up.
Manually means it was hanged up by manual.
Session up
The Device has successfully established a session
whose name is test.
Assigned to port @answerIncomingCall:8012
The Device has successfully negotiated with the remote
dial-in device, and has assigned a port to the remote
Call Connected
6244, on line 1, on channel 0
The physical layer and data link layer connections have
been established, but IP still couldn
’t be used.
Incoming Call
6187, on line 1, on channel 0
The Device received a call from a remote device.
Route Up
The static routes bound to the specified physical
interface became active. (Usually due to that the
corresponding Internet connection became active.)
eth1: LAN; eth2~eth5: WAN1~WAN4.
Route Down
The static routes bound to the specified physical
interface became inactive.
Usually due to that the
corresponding Internet connection became inactive.
NAT exceeded
IP Address
The specified host has exceeded the maximum NAT
sessions limited by the Device. Usually due to that this
host is infected with a virus or it is using hacker attack
software. If the host is working properly, please increase
the maximum NAT sessions appropriately.
ARP exceeded
IP Address
The APR request for the specified IP address has been
rejected due to the maximum ARP entries limit. If the
ARP table is full, any new ARP request packet to the
Device will be rejected and this log message generated.
arp: IP Address
A DHCP IP address conflict has occurred, that is, when
acting as a DHCP server, the Device detected that the
specified IP address is already used in the LAN before
assigning it to a user, and then the Device assigned
another IP address to this user.
The device has given a notice to the user with IP address
Table 14-1 System Logs List