Example of a positioning movement with frame sequence
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5 Example of a positioning movement with frame sequence
5.1 Prerequisites
The drive must
be connected to the voltage supply
be integrated into the CANopen network,
and be able to communicate with the master via the CANopen network
5.2 Definitions
Node address set on the drive = 0x70
This results in the COB-IDs
0x580 + 0x70 = 0x5F0, drive --> SDO client
0x600 + 0x70 = 0x670, SDO client --> drive
Operating mode preset = positioning ramp, object 0x6060
Position factor preset = 1024 for the denominator, object 0x6093 SUB2
Position range preset = 0 for the lower position limit,
object 0x607B SUB1
Position range preset = 1.073.741.823 for the upper position limit,
object 0x607B SUB2
Software position range preset = 1 for the lower position limit,
object 0x607D SUB1
Software position range preset = 1.073.741.822 for the upper position limit,
object 0x607D SUB2
Speed preset = 4.350, object 0x6081
Acceleration preset = 12.000, object 0x6083
Deceleration preset = 12.000, object 0x6084
Target position preset = 450.000, object 0x607A
For the frame structure and the meaning of the CCD function code, the information
from the chapters "SDO (Service Data Object)" page 151 and "SDO message format"
page 152 is relevant.
For the individual state transitions, the information from the chapters
"DSP 402 state machine" page 161 and "Control word and status word" page 164 is