Configuration Guide
Configuring SNMP & RMON
Notification Configurations
IP Mode
Choose an IP mode for the host, which should be coordinated with the IP
2) Specify the user name or community name used by the NMS, and configure the security
model and security level based on the settings of the user or community.
User Name
Specify the user name or community name used by the NMS.
Security Model
Choose the corresponding SNMP version for the NMS.
The version should be consistent with settings of the user or community.
v1: The NMS uses SNMPv1.
v2: The NMS uses SNMPv2c.
v3: The NMS uses SNMPv3.
Security Level
Choose the security level for the NMS that uses SNMPv3. The setting should
be consistent with that of the specified user or community.
noAuthNoPriv: No authentication mode or privacy mode is applied to check
or encrypt packets.
authNoPriv: An authentication mode is applied to check packets, but no
privacy mode to encrypt packets.
authPriv: An authentication mode and a privacy mode are applied to check
and encrypt packets.
3) Choose a notification type based on the SNMP version. If you choose the Inform type,
you need to set retry times and timeout interval.
Choose a notification type for the NMS that uses SNMPv2c or SNMPv3; the
default type is Trap.
Trap: Set the switch to send Trap messages to the NMS. When the NMS
receives a trap message, it will not send a response to the switch. Thus the
switch cannot determine whether the trap is received or not, and the trap that
is not received will not be resent.
Inform: Set the switch to send Inform messages to the NMS. When the NMS
receives an Inform message, it sends a response to the switch. If the switch
does not receive a response within the Timeout interval, it will resend the
Inform message. Therefore, Informs are more reliable than Traps.
Set the retry times for Informs; the default is 3. The switch will resend the
Inform message if it does not receive response from the NMS within the
timeout interval. It will stop sending Inform messages when the retry time
reaches the limit.
Set the length of time that the switch waits for a response from the NMS after
sending an inform message; the default is 100 seconds. Set the length of time
that the switch waits for a response from the NMS after sending an inform
message; the default is 100 seconds.
4) Click