Configuration Guide
Configuring PoE
Example for PoE Configurations
Figure 4-4
Configure the Port
4.4 Using the CLI
The configurations of Port1/0/4 is similar with the configuration of port 1/0/3. Here we take
port 1/0/3 for example.
1) Create a time-range.
Switch_A(config)#power time-range “office time”
Switch_A(config-time-range)#holiday exclude
Switch_A(config-time-range)#periodic start 08:30 end 23:00 day-of-the-week 1-5
2) Create a holiday.
Switch_A(config)#power holiday Christmas start-date 12/22 end-date 12/31
3) Enable the PoE function on the port 1/0/3. Specify the basic parameters for the port
1/0/3 and bind the time-range “office time” to the port.
Switch_A(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/3
Switch_A(config-if)#power inline supply enable
Switch_A(config-if)#power inline time-range “office time”