Configuration Guide
Configuring QoS
DiffServ Configuration
2.2.2 Configuring Schedule Mode
Follow these steps to configure the schedule mode to control the forwarding sequence of
different TC queues when congestion occurs.
Step 1
Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
qos queue mode {
Configure the schedule mode of TC queues.
The Strick Priority mode. In SP mode, the queue with higher priority will occupy the whole
bandwidth. Packets in the queue with lower priority are sent only when the queue with higher
priority is empty.
In WRR mode, packets in all the queues are sent in order based on the weight value for
each queue. By default, the weight value ratio of TC0 to TC7 is 1:2:4:...:127.
In SP+WRR mode, this switch provides two scheduling groups, SP group and WRR
group. When scheduling queues, the switch allows the queues in the SP group to occupy the
whole bandwidth following the SP mode. When the SP group is empty, the queues in the WRR
group will take up the bandwidth according to their weight value ratio. By default, queue TC7 is
in SP and TC0, TC1...TC6 are in WRR group.
In Equ mode, all the queues occupy the bandwidth equally. The weight value ratio of all the
queues is 1:1:1:1. It is the default schedule mode.
Step 3
qos queue weight
{ tc-id } { weight-value }
(Optional) Configure the weight value of each queue after the Schedule Mode is specified as
Specify the TC-ID. The valid values are from 0 to 7.
Configure the weight value of the specified TC queue.
When the schedule mode is specified as WRR, the valid weight value are from 1 to 127. The 8
queues will take up the bandwidth according to their ratio. The default values of TC0, TC1, TC2,
TC3, TC4, TC5,TC6 and TC7 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 127 respectively.
When the schedule mode is specified as SP+WRR, The valid weight values are from 0 to 127.
TC7 and the queue with its weight value set as 0 are in the SP group; other queues, with none-
zero weight value, belong to the WRR group. In this SP+WRR scheduling mode, the queues in
the SP group is scheduled preferentially (TC6>TC5>TC4>TC3>TC2>TC1>TC0 in strict priority).
When there is no packets to be sent in the SP group, the queues in the WRR group will be
scheduled according to the weight value of each queue. The default weight values of TC0, TC1,
TC2, TC3, TC4, TC5 and TC6 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 respectively, while the value of TC7 is
0 and non-configurable.
Step 4
show qos queue mode
Verify the schedule mode configurations.
Step 5
Return to privileged EXEC mode.