Installing the Samsung Battery Controller (continued)
3. Ensure that the controller cables, components and posts are in good
4. Connect the battery positive - power in from battery cable (item 5 in
) to the battery positive post in the controller and secure with a washer
and nut.
5. Connect the battery negative - power in from battery cable (2) to the battery
negative post in the controller and secure with a washer and nut.
6. Connect the COM port wire harnesses (3) to the controller; refer to
7. Connect the positive - power out to machine cable (6) to the controller; refer
8. Connect the negative - power out to machine cable (1) to the controller;
refer to
9. Coat the controller posts and cable connectors with the battery terminal
protector to prevent corrosion.
10. Install the controller onto the mount bracket and secure with the 4 bolts,
washers and nuts.
11. If removed, install the TEC controller to the mount bracket as below:
A. Install the TEC controller to the mount bracket and secure with 2 bolts
and flange nuts; refer to
B. Connect the connectors to the TEC controller.
12. If removed, install the relay to the mount bracket as below:
A. Install the relay to the mount bracket and secure with 2 bolts and lock
nuts; refer to
B. Connect the connectors to the relay.
13. Install the contactor onto the mount bracket and secure with 2 bolts and nuts.
14. Connect the cable connectors to the contactor as noted during disassembly.
15. Install the Samsung battery pack onto the mount bracket; refer to
the Samsung Lithium Battery Pack (page 5–81)
16. Install the battery cover onto the mount bracket and secure with 8 bolts.
17. Connect the battery pack; refer to
Connecting the Lithium Battery Pack
(page 5–7)
eFlex 1800, 2100 and 2120
Page 5–87
Electrical System: Service and Repairs
12189SL Rev E