Ramp Up
Figure 63
Ramp Up Message Screen
Once the battery pack contactor is closed, the charger detects the voltage level
of the battery pack. The charger bus is then pre-charged to match the battery
voltage to be sure that there is not a voltage differential between the charger
and the battery pack.
During ramp up, the battery voltage, state of charge (as percent of fully charged),
and charging amperage will be displayed in the LCD message display.
Figure 64
Charging Message Screen
The lithium battery pack communicates to the charger the proper voltage and
current levels required for battery charging. The charger make its output at the
given voltage level and set the current limit as indicated by the pack.
During charging, the battery voltage, state of charge (as percent of fully charged),
and charging amperage is displayed in the LCD message display.
Electrical System: Lithium Battery Pack Charger
Operation (for Models 04042, 04043 and 04046)
Page 5–12
eFlex 1800, 2100 and 2120
12189SL Rev E