Operator Advisories (continued)
Battery Current Limit (#205): (for Models 04042, 04043 and 04046)
advisory notifies the operator that the electric motor drive current has been
lowered by the lithium battery pack controller. The operator may notice lower
machine performance. For example, the battery current limit advisory would be
displayed if the battery pack temperature is excessive.
Use Handbrake (#206): (for Models 04042, 04043 and 04046)
This advisory
notifies the operator that the electric motor regenerative braking current has been
lowered by the lithium battery pack controller which will affect the motor braking
system. In this instance, the operator may have to use the handbrake to slow the
machine. For example, the use handbrake advisory would be displayed if the
mower with a fully charged battery was going down a long hill during operation.
Motor Current Limit (#207):
This advisory notifies the operator that the electric
motor is already running at maximum current and cannot deliver any additional
performance. For example, the motor current limit advisory would be displayed
if the speed control was increased when the motor was already providing
maximum performance.
Motor Not Ready (#208):
This advisory notifies the operator that the electric
motor is not ready to deliver the performance.
Brake On (#209):
The brake on advisory will notify the operator that the parking
brake latch is engaged when attempting to engage the traction drive system.
High Power Consumption Run Time Reduced (#210):
The high power
consumption identifies that electric motor draw is excessive and will reduce the
run time of the machine. Excessive cutting unit bedknife contact or accessory
use may generate this advisory.
Motor Disabled (#212):
The motor disabled advisory will identify that electric
motor operation was stopped by the controller. A fault should have been
generated that will provide additional information as to cause of the issue.
Disengage Traction (#213):
This advisory notifies the operator that the traction
lever is engaged and needs to be released before operation can be continued.
The disengage traction advisory will be displayed if the machine is turned on
with the traction lever already engaged.
Battery Temperature Too Low (#214): (for Models 04042, 04043, 04046
and 04049 fitted with 04069)
This advisory notifies that the battery operating
temperature is too low and the controller was denied the motor operation.
Battery Temperature Too High (#215): (for Models 04042, 04043, 04046
and 04049 fitted with 04069)
This advisory notifies that the battery operating
temperature is too high and the controller was denied the motor operation.
Battery Voltage Too High (#216): (for Models 04042, 04043, 04046 and 04049
fitted with 04069)
This advisory notifies that the battery operating voltage is too
high and the controller was denied the motor operation.
Battery Draw Too High (#217): (for Models 04042, 04043, 04046 and 04049
fitted with 04069)
This advisory notifies an over current situation and the
controller was denied the motor operation.
Electrical System: InfoCenter Display
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eFlex 1800, 2100 and 2120
12189SL Rev E