Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
2.1 String Technology
The experience with several thousand grid-connected PV-systems in Europe with an
output range from one to several hundred kilowatts has shown that the costs for grid
connecting and monitoring the PV-system add up to almost 50 % of the costs for the
entire system. To reduce these costs, especially the costs for the cabling on the DC
side and the subsequent distribution on the AC side, and drastically simplify the de-
sign of PV-systems the string-technology was developed by SMA. The Sunny Boy
finally enabled this new, considerably simpler and better affordable String Technol-
ogy to be the standard system design for PV-plants.
String Technology means that a small number of PV-modules are connected in se-
ries to a “string“, each string is then connected to a separate inverter which feeds the
electricity of one string to the grid. Large PV-plants consist of a large number of sin-
gle strings. The energy produced is collected directly on the AC side, making the sys-
tem design very simple. No extra DC cabling is necessary anymore.
The most various system concepts can be constructed with modules of the Sunny
Boy family.
Sunny Boy 700:
The small inverter for little PV-plants and simple extension
possibilities (3 input voltage and power ranges).
Sunny Boy 850:
The output optimized inverter for PV-plants with at least 1 kWp.
Sunny Boy 1100E:
For PV-plants with up to 1.5 kWp and equipped with a wider
input voltage range.
Sunny Boy 1700E:
For PV-plants around 2.2 kWp with a wide input voltage range.