Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
6.3 Upgrading or modification of the Sunny Boy interface
The Sunny Boy is prepared for data transmission. By simply plugging on a piggy
back module it supports the RS232 or RS485 interfaces for the Powerline protocol.
In order to install a new interface in the Sunny Boy a corresponding piggy back mod-
ule has to be installed on the system control board. Please follow all relevant instruc-
tions in chapters 3.3, “Electric Connection”, 4, “Commissioning”, 5.1, “Opening and
closing of the Sunny Boy” in the Sunny Boy manual.
The Sunny Boy works with high voltages externally and internally
which can cause considerable harm to people. Only a qualified elec-
trician may work on the device, especially open it!
While upgrading the Sunny Boy interface the operator can get into touch both with
electronic components and components carrying lethal voltage. Faulty upgrading can
lead to damage at the device and danger to people by electric voltage.
Therefore the device may only be upgraded by qualified personnel or the SMA ser-
Only work on the Sunny Boy when it is disconnected from the grid
and sufficiently discharged!