Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
Blinking Code 3: Grid impedance too high
The yellow failure LED is activated for 5 seconds, remains dark for 3 seconds and
then blinks three times. The code is sent three times.
If the failure consists the indication begins once again.
The Sunny Boy has detected a failure based on non-permissible grid impedance val-
ues. The criteria for the grid impedance are described in the section “MSD“.
A too high grid impedance can be the reason in case this failure occurs very often,
forcing the inverter to switch off. The impedance can be checked with the Sunny Boy
Control or Sunny Data. Should the impedance be Z
the Sunny Boy may
not connect to the grid. This failure can normally be avoided by increasing the cross
section of the AC cable connected to the inverter.