Sunny Boy 700
Technical Description
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
The AC connector socket can be inserted into the Sunny Boy in case the Sunny
Boy is already mounted in the correct position. Remove the transparent seal
from the AC connector on the Sunny Boy, insert the AC connector plug and
tighten the seal.
3.3.2 Connection of the PV-panels
Safety Notice
The inverter system is electrically separated in order to provide maximum protection
against dangerous touch voltage in the PV-plant. This means that neither the + nor
the – cable are electrically connected to the PE, i.e. there is normally no dangerous
voltage between the PE and the + or - pole.
The Sunny Boy constantly monitors the electrical resistance of the + and - poles to
PE. The red LED is switched on whenever resistance is below 1 M
(see chapter 5,
“Operation and Failure Indication LEDs“) .
The voltage between the + and - pole of the PV-modules (string volt-
age) can be lethal!
The circuit that monitors the insulation results in a slight electric connection to the
PE. The very high resistance of the circuit normally prevents a dangerous current
from flowing through the human body. However, high resistance voltage meters will
indicate voltage between the case of the string inverter and the plus and/or minus
Never disconnect the PV-modules from the Sunny Boy (by pulling
the Multi-Contact snap cable connectors) before disconnecting the
grid, i. e. never during feeding operation of the Sunny Boy! Always
disconnect the Sunny Boy from the grid first - the Sunny Boy will
then stop feeding to the grid and the Multi-Contact connectors are
not under load anymore.